Saturday, November 10, 2012

To the one who conquers...

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches in 95 A.D., to the Universal Catholic Church 2012, to you, to me....

 To the one who conquers, overcomes, who follows the call of Luke 10:27 until the very end...

 Revelation: The Apocalypse(revealing)of Jesus, by Jesus, about Jesus

 Church of Ephesus
-Eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God [2v7]

 Church of Smyrna
 -Crown of life
-Not hurt by the second death [2v10-11]

 Church of Pergamum
 -Hidden manna
 -White stone (with a new name written on the stone) [2v17]

 Church of Thyatira
 -Authority over nations, rule with rod of iren (authority of Jesus)
 -Given the morning star [2v26-29]

 Church of Sadis
 -Clothed in white garment [3v5]
-Names never blot out of the book of life
    -Christ will confess his name before the Father and angels

 Church of Philadelphia
 -Be made a pillar in the Temple of God [3v12]
 -Christ will write on him the name of God, name of God's city (New Jerusalem), Christ's own name.

 Church of Laodicea
-Sit with Christ on his throne [3v21]
