Saturday, November 10, 2012

To the one who conquers...

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches in 95 A.D., to the Universal Catholic Church 2012, to you, to me....

 To the one who conquers, overcomes, who follows the call of Luke 10:27 until the very end...

 Revelation: The Apocalypse(revealing)of Jesus, by Jesus, about Jesus

 Church of Ephesus
-Eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God [2v7]

 Church of Smyrna
 -Crown of life
-Not hurt by the second death [2v10-11]

 Church of Pergamum
 -Hidden manna
 -White stone (with a new name written on the stone) [2v17]

 Church of Thyatira
 -Authority over nations, rule with rod of iren (authority of Jesus)
 -Given the morning star [2v26-29]

 Church of Sadis
 -Clothed in white garment [3v5]
-Names never blot out of the book of life
    -Christ will confess his name before the Father and angels

 Church of Philadelphia
 -Be made a pillar in the Temple of God [3v12]
 -Christ will write on him the name of God, name of God's city (New Jerusalem), Christ's own name.

 Church of Laodicea
-Sit with Christ on his throne [3v21]


Thursday, September 27, 2012


Thank you God. Today, it has been made clear to me that my work is not in vain. I know it is not about my work but what you are doing behind everything. Thank you for being a faithful God and thank you for teaching me to be faithful in my work. Thank you for giving dignity to all of us through our jobs, mundane chores, studying, exams, and occupation. They are holy and consist a major portion of our lives. May all we do bring you glory. Colossians 3:17

Thursday, September 20, 2012

confessions of a bad friend

I am terribly sorry.
I know I could've helped you, but I didn't.
I know that I could have spent more time with you, but I didn't.
I know I am the only one left in your life, but I left as well.
I know each day is a painful blur to you and every night a frightful awake.
I know you needed me, but I didn't need you.
      you were a burden to me, so I didn't carry you.
I know I cannot be your savoir, but I didn't point you to Him.
I failed you, my friend.
I await your return. I will struggle with you. I will do so now in prayers.

Bring healing oh powerful one. Bring your presence to where I cannot go. Empower me so I can be a true friend.

Again and again, I am sorry my brother, my friend.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Psalms 7

Psalms 7:17 I will give to the Lord the thanks due to his righteousness, and I will sing praise to the name of the LORD, the Most High. Very rarely do I consider the righteousness of God and let alone thanking him for it. The Psalmist says in chap 5v4 "For you are not a God who delights in wickedness; evil may not dwell with you." It is truly refreshing to acknowledge and affirm that the God whom I worship is righteous. This characteristic of God is taken first of all for granted and secondly taken begrudgingly. The assumption that God is righteous has tremendous impact of my life. This is the God who calls, leads, and guides my every step. If he is not righteous, my spiritual life and personal life would be in jeopardy. However, I am lead by a God who loves and cherishes justice and holiness. For that, I give thanks and I praise. I have also taken God's righteousness reluctantly. It is knowing that fact that God is righteous and I am not that cause the frustration and despair. I have to accept my shortcoming, wickedness, fallen-less, and inhumaness. I wallow and rebel so that I never get past myself onto what is important: BUT God is righteous. Today, I want to take the posture of worship. Knowing that God is righteous means that I am also in light of Jesus and his substitutionary atonement. Let this be my motivation to pursue God and forsake sin today. v10-11 "My shield is with God who saves the upright in heart. God is a righteous judge, and a God who feels indignation every day." Thank you for bearing me up till now, today; thank you for bearing with all of us, the world, and our rejection of you.