Blockbuster Employee Stabs Himself Because He Didn't Want To Go To Work [Blockbuster]
from Gizmodo We all know that Blockbuster kind of sucks, but I had no idea that working there was this bad.Amazingly enough, 29-year old Aaron Siebers stabbed himself then made up some phony story about being attacked by three skinheads in an attempted robbery. However, surveillance footage of the area where it supposedly happened turned up nothing. In the end, Siebers admitted to stabbing himself so he could get out of going to work at a Colorado Blockbuster. He was rushed to a nearby hospital where doctors stitched up his wound.
I have a hard time understanding why someone would pass over calling in sick and go right to self-mutilation in order to get out of work, but perhaps someone who has worked at Blockbuster in the past can confirm that they too have thought about this strategy. [The Denver Channel via Westworld via Digg]
..... I don't know if the picture made me laugh out loud or the story. Maybe both. Maybe the dude needs some help and I shouldn't laugh at him. Getting a right job is important. So far, I have worked at 2 dead end part-time jobs. Currently, my job is pretty dead end. It's sometimes challenging, most of the time frustrating with the side of repetition. Although I get paid decent, but I would rather get paid a little bit less for a job that I can continue to grown in.
I used to think that getting a brainless, easy job would help me get by. However, this *news and my current experiences have shown me that a satisfying occupation for me needs to be one that involves some challenge, creativity, and learning.
But.. seriously? stabbing yourself because you want to get out of work? I can think of many good reasons for one to stab oneself.
ok.. I can't think of any good reasons.